The transition to a new CEO is a critical period in an organization’s lifecycle, influencing strategic direction, operational stability, and stakeholder alignment.

In this report, we examine:

  • Best practices for managing CEO transitions and effective onboarding processes.
  • Strategies for addressing critical transition challenges, such as cultural misalignment, communication
    gaps, and the pressure for immediate results.
  • Strategic recommendations to ensure continuity and long-term organizational success.

Successfully navigating a CEO transition process is vital for maintaining strategic direction, operational stability, and stakeholder trust.

Our Board partnered with Massey Henry to implement a well-defined CEO transition strategy, emphasizing change management, active board involvement, and clear strategic communication. Ultimately, this approach ensured a solid foundation for our new CEO, while positioning our organization for continued

Garry Foster

Board Chair, Payments Canada

Our latest report examines strategies for managing CEO transitions and strategic recommendations to ensure long-term organizational success.


The transition to a new CEO is a critical inflection point for any financial services organization.

The incumbent CEO’s departure and the onboarding of a new leader significantly impacts the organization’s strategic direction, operational stability, and stakeholder alignment. To ensure continuity and organizational success, it is critical to implement best practices for managing the transition process and implementing effective onboarding.

Several meaningful market opportunities, however, are becoming available to asset managers and the wider investment industry.


The incumbent CEO’s departure and the
onboarding of a new leader significantly
impacts the organization’s strategic direction, operational stability, and stakeholder alignment.

The Impact of CEO Transition on Key Leadership Priorities

Transitioning to a new CEO is an intricate process, requiring meticulous planning and execution. This realignment can significantly impact the following priorities for executive leaders:

1) Organizational Performance
A poorly managed transition can lead to disruptions in operations, loss of key personnel, and a decline in overall performance. Conversely, a well-managed transition can enable the organization to quickly adapt to a new leader and focus teams on achieving new or ongoing objectives.
2) Stakeholder Confidence
Well-organized and clearly communicated CEO transitions build confidence among stakeholders, including employees, customers, business partners, and industry regulators.
3) Strategic Continuity and Renewal
It is vital to ensure the appropriate balance between strategic continuity and the introduction of new strategic or operational initiatives. A new CEO must align new priorities and objectives with the organization’s established vision and long-term goals to maintain momentum. If the CEO’s mandate is to significantly depart from the existing vision and long-term strategy, the onboarding and transition process must reflect this consideration.

Planning for a CEO Transition

Successful CEO transitions necessitate ongoing succession planning, active board involvement, and a clear communication strategy to manage expectations and ensure alignment with the company’s strategic goals.


Succession Planning

Succession planning should be an ongoing process rather than a reaction to an imminent or unplanned departure. Organizations benefit from identifying potential internal and external candidates well in advance and developing internal talent through leadership programs to ensure a pipeline of qualified candidates. High-level succession planning should begin shortly after the onboarding of a new CEO.

Board Involvement:

The board plays an important role in the CEO transition process. In particular, they must be actively involved in the CEO selection process, providing oversight and ensuring alignment with the company’s broader strategic goals. The Board’s involvement also contributes to continuity (e.g., appointing an interim CEO), managing stakeholder communications, and ensuring transparency with the incoming CEO as they transition into the role.

Communication Style

Transparent and strategic communication is of the utmost importance. Announcing the transition internally and externally with clear and purposeful messaging helps manage the expectations of all stakeholders. Internally, this maintains morale, reduces uncertainty, and ensures a smooth transition. Externally, deliberate and strategic messaging can help maintain market confidence and reputation, as well as mitigate the impact on stakeholder relationships.

CEO Onboarding

Upon selecting a new CEO, a comprehensive onboarding process is essential to ensure they can commence their leadership tenure on a strong foundation. Effective onboarding should encompass the following components:

1) Pre-Start Preparation
Before the official start date, the new CEO should receive extensive information about the company, including strategic plans, financial performance, organizational structure, and briefs on key issues. Meetings should also be arranged with members of the board, key executives, and major stakeholders.
2) Introduction to Culture
Understanding the company’s culture is critical for the new CEO, encompassing its values, norms, and ‘unwritten’ rules. Cultural alignment significantly impacts the new leader’s effectiveness and acceptance within the organization.
3) Strategic and Organizational Orientation
The new CEO should be briefed on the company’s strategic initiatives and long-term goals. This ensures alignment with the company’s direction and enables them to drive these initiatives forward.
4) Building Relationships
Establishing strong relationships with the board, executive team, and key stakeholders is paramount, particularly within the first 90 days. These relationships form the foundation of the CEO’s internal and external support network and need to be cultivated from the outset.
5) Performance Expectations
The board and other key stakeholders must clearly define and communicate performance metrics and other key expectations to the new CEO. These expectations provide a roadmap for the initial strategic decisions made by the new leader, helping them focus on critical areas requiring immediate attention.
Establishing strong relationships with the board, executive team, and key stakeholders is paramount, particularly within the first 90 days.

Post-Transition Success Factors

Following a CEO transition, ensuring the new leader’s long term success hinges on several key factors. These include initiating high-level succession planning, clearly articulating a strategic vision, optimizing organizational culture, and fostering transparent and inclusive communication from day one.

1) Internal Succession
High-level succession planning should begin shortly after the onboarding of a new CEO. Organizations benefit significantly from identifying and developing internal candidates with a robust understanding of the organization’s culture and operations. Candidates under consideration must also demonstrate the gravitas to serve as the ‘face’ of the organization and influence key stakeholders.
2) Strategic Vision
The new CEO must develop and effectively communicate a clear and compelling vision for the organization that aligns with its long-term goals.
3) Cultural Optimization
The CEO must preserve the cultural attributes that contributed to the organization’s past success while emphasizing and nurturing other attributes essential to future strategic objectives.
4) Communication and Engagement
Regardless of the organization’s unique opportunities and challenges, the new CEO must demonstrate a transparent and inclusive communication style to establish trust and engagement among employees and stakeholders.

The Bottom Line

  • The CEO transition process profoundly influences an organization’s strategic direction, operational stability, and alignment with stakeholders.
  • Achieving a successful transition demands meticulous planning, ongoing succession planning, proactive board engagement, and a transparent communication strategy.
  • Effectively managing challenges such as cultural misalignment, communication gaps, and the pressure for immediate results is critical.

By adhering to these best practices, leadership teams can ensure a seamless and effective leadership transition process, securing the continued success and growth of both the new CEO, and the organization.

About Massey Henry

Executive Search, Coaching, Assessment, and Advisory Services

Massey Henry is one of North America’s leading executive search and board advisory firms exclusively serving the financial services sector. With an experienced team of former industry leaders and talent management specialists, the firm combines innovative technology with in-depth sector expertise to provide clients with full-scope executive search, talent assessment, coaching, and leadership advisory services.
Michael Henry

Michael Henry

Managing Partner, Massey Henry

John Sanders

John Sanders

Senior Partner, Board & CEO Services

Charlotte Berry

Charlotte Berry


Alex Bunyan

Alex Bunyan

Partner & Head, Leadership Practice